The Best Trading Edge In the World
The Goal
To find more money in less time by trading our edge EVERY time it appears.
The Simple
Finding a trading edge.
The Not Easy
Picking a trading edge, committing to it and sticking with it.
The Discussion
Hello my trading friends!
What is the best trading edge?
Before we answer that question, we have to consider one social element of society.
The sad reality of the world we live in is, the lack of commitment the prevails in all aspects of society.
That may not be the reality we want to live but it surrounds us. Whether we want it to or not, that reality impacts us and our trading.
We may all have different opinions on the subject. However, to ignore this issue, is to ignore the profound impact it has on our trading.
We are not happy with something, we write a bad review online, tell our friends or post it on social media. Conveniently leaving out any part, even small, that we may have contributed in the negative experience. We voice our complaint and we move on, leaving the experience to the past. In some ways that is good and some ways that is not good – at least in the world of trading.
We have a losing trade. We have another losing trade. After that second losing trade some are ready to move on. When there is a third losing trade, the majority of everyone else moves on. ‘Moves on’ means, looking for a new trading edge.
We will prove that point, without a doubt, with the MD trading edge. Most traders are going to be freakishly upset when they realize they have tried trading the MD trading edge and failed. We know that we were upset when we reviewed the history of the MD trading edge.
Social elements aside, let’s answer the main question of this lesson.
The absolute best trading edge the world has ever seen, is the one we train ourselves to trade. What? That is ridiculous!!! Ridiculous as it may sound, it is true!!!!!!!
The Reminder
The best trading edge in the world is the one you train yourself to trade. So stop searching and start training.
Next we will consider proving that we might already have an awesome trading edge and did not even know it.
Have a wonderful day!,